Friday, 29 July 2011

Tips for newcomers to chess

• At the beginning of the game is important to develop our items quickly. Try to first move your knights and bishops.
• To enable the rapid departure of the bishops is appropriate that the first movement is the one of the central pawn (the e and d).
• In the beginning of the game trying not to move your Lady, if you draw too soon can be threatened by other parts, thus delaying your development.
• At this stage you also have to try not to move the same piece twice, is losing valuable time that your opponent can use to go in pieces in action.
• It is important to you to treat dominate the center of the board, either with your peons or other pieces.
• As for Torres always try to be interconnected (that no parts between them), thus mutually supportive and are more dangerous.
• When you have an open file must manage it well with some of the towers or even with the Lady. In the following example the
• Keep your King protected, castling is a good system so they can not threaten him. Later, when the game is much more advanced and you are not too many pieces on the board, you can get the King of their strength and to advance around the board, you will see that in these situations becomes a powerful weapon because it can move in all directions.
• The value of the bishop is often considered something more than the horse, this is a relative thing, if the position is closed (with lots of pieces and pawns) develops the horse better, but if the position is open, with few parts and open diagonal, the bishop is crucial.
• It is important that beginners seek to make sacrifices combinations of parts, this will help develop their imagination and their understanding of the game. At first this kind of moves will lead them to defeat, but will serve in many respects.

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