Friday, 29 July 2011

Chess tricks by Council

Chess is easy, fun but difficult to master with skill. Following these tips you might be able to conduct a game against anyone intelligent!.
General Principles:
1. Always play to dominate the center of the board. Occupies, or monitor the heart attack. The sides and corners have no life.
2. Develops all your pieces quickly, not just one. The opening is a race for continued rapid development. Achieving development is to connect the towers so that they can occupy central positions for the middle game and grab open files.
3. Castling quickly. This leads the king to safety and the tower to play up the middle. And at the same time try to keep your opponent is castling, if possible, without sacrificing material.
4. Do not sacrifice material with no way to recover or what you give but how to kill the king.
5. Do not waste time moving the same piece twice.
6. You make few moves of pawns, only enough to release your pieces.
7. Develop knights before the bishops.
8. Avoid early adventures with the lady. develops minor pieces (knights and bishops) before the larger pieces (towers and lady).
9. Avoid giving useless jaques.
10.Piensa if your opponent is going to find the best moves and do not play for him (traps) traps naive unless you’re desperate.

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