Friday, 29 July 2011

Advantages in Chess

* The first advantage is the initiative that is to play first and be ahead in a plan. It is to attack first. It looks like the tennis serve.
* The Open plans with benefits that can be drawn are: the dominance and occupation of the center, the rapid development (ends COMMUNICATE Framework is the towers) and a form of development is the coordination that is CASTLING join two or more pieces on a weak target for example the Bishop on c4 and coordinating h5 lady on f7 to give the Pastor and the structure is that from the outset to take care of diseases of the pawns on the contrary.
* The benefits may include:: STATIC when last a long time and almost always are those of the laborers or DYNAMIC lasting not more than a few plays and are the threats and attacks, among others.
* The benefits compared with laborers are PASSED FREE or pawn that is to be queen and not pawns in front. The isolated pawn that has no pawns themselves in the columns of its sides, the hanging pawns are like two isolated pawns together, the backward pawn is the one with unlike Restrainer not let him go and not have to defend you own pawn ; pawns that occur when one eats and hinder each other in advance.
* Other benefits you need to know their names are: GOOD BISHOP against bad bishop that depends on what color are blocked pawns, bishops of different colors that make terrible struggles especially with ladies, the domain of double columns with towers, possession of the seventh row of the kinds of threats to the king, the centralization of pieces like the horse, MOBILE pawns that are preferred to have them in the center, weak COLOR; the termination of a pawn chain; The gain in time that may be at the expense of material, the counter-attack or counter-play that are the prospects for controlling an attack by another rival for the deal to defend.

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