Friday, 29 July 2011

11 tricks to win at chess

These are the golden rules of acceptable way to play chess. They target those who already know the rules of the game but they are few experts. So, for those who seldom fail to win. Put them into practice and begin to be a good chess player.
There are many chess books. There are books for beginners, with basic rules. And there are more advanced books for players who already have enough practice.
But what is for most?. For those players who know the basic rules that do not tend to leave unprotected a piece … but almost always lose or have difficulty gaining an egg and a half even with a beginner …
For the overwhelming majority of chess players who want to play better. For “advanced beginners”. Here are a few tips of gold. A few basic principles to improve your game quickly without getting into messy details.
1 .- The beginning of the game must be considered a “career” with two objectives:
- Control board as much as possible
- To suit most parts of attack
2 .- Avoid moving the same piece twice in the beginning. Remember the “race”. Save movements.
3 .- Unless you really know what you’re doing and why, what you should do is open the game (first movement) with one of the central pawns (the King or Queen) by moving 2 squares forward. If you’re playing black and white opened with one of these movements you should respond to it.
4 .- The ideal site for Horses is the center of the board. Stand them in there as soon as possible.
5 .- Try to attack the Queen in the early game is not usually a good idea. Your opponent can attack it with pieces of little value and very protected. This will force you to move your queen again and again to protect it which will prevent you develop the game with other pieces. In turn, your opponent will be deploying their own.
6 .- After deploying the bishops and knights should enrocarte. Castling helps protect the King and deploy a Tower. Therefore, avoid moving the enrocarte King before since you can not do if you’ve moved to the King (well, but that you must know).
7 .- Avoid having two pawns on the same column (a common situation where a piece catches your Peon). If you have no choice but to capture a piece with a Peon you do and point (which is not a matter of fuss). But if you have several ways to do always choose one that does not leave a Pawn in front of another (of yours).
8 .- If a column has a piece (or yours or your opponent) tries to put one of your towers in it.
9 .- The square f2 (or f7 for Black) is at the beginning of the game, a weakness. Préstale attention.
10 .- laborers often are formed so as to protect one another diagonally. This may make it difficult for you “inside” enemy territory. The trick is to find a Peon checked out at the end of this chain. Capture (probably with a horse) can be a good idea.
11 .- Never move hoping that your opponent plays poorly, or “to see if he does not realize …”. Always assume that he will make the best possible move. And if not, then good for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting.I will be waiting for your next post.
    chess beginners
