Friday 29 July 2011

Practical Advice for Beginners Chess

1 .- At the opening, avoid moving the same piece twice. This will help to achieve rapid development.
2.-In the opening made few moves of pawns, only enough to free his pieces.
3 .- Move your pawn on e4 or d4 as a first move. It is the pawn that allows faster development.
4 .- Try to control the central squares (d4 d5 e4 e5). From there it dominates the entire board.
5 .- Enróquese fast. Unleash your bishop and rook. This leads the king to safety and the tower to play up the middle. And at the same time tries to prevent his opponent castling, if possible, without sacrificing material.
6 .- Develop knights before bishops.
7 .- Avoid placing knights and bishops on the board edge. Dominate least squares.
8 .- When capturing a pawn always do toward the center if possible. The central pawns are stronger.
9 .- Use the pawns to defend his major pieces, never use his major pieces to defend pawns. This will help the older parts are available for carrying out the attack.
10 .- Ask yourself, “If I were my opponent, what my next move?” Then find a way to avoid this move or a plan that makes that play is not the best for him.
11 .- Avoid giving useless jaques. It’s just a waste of time.
12 .- If you have material advantage, however slight, feel free to change parts, this will increase the advantage towards the end, when there are fewer parts. Eg If you have 5 peons to 4 has a 20% advantage, If you have 2 pawns versus 1 has the double distinction of being the pawns the same.
13 .- Remember that a bishop can only cover 50% of the board. (White or black boxes as bishop that is). But a horse can only go around the board. (The squares of both colors alternately in each movement). This is important if you have to decide which piece sacrifice or change before the end of the game.
14 .- Pawns are insignificant at first, but they are becoming more important as we approach the eighth line and can become larger pieces (especially women). Do not underestimate.
15 .- Most of the parts work better together with others that if they are separated by the entire board.
16 .- Do not try to look for opportunities to double with a horse or pawns. It is better to find a way to create them, tempting his opponent with little sacrifices.
17 .- Do not sacrifice material without seeing how it recovers or if not what gives mate the opposing king.

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