Blackburne Gambit - 1. e4 e5; 2. Nf3 Nc6; 3. Bc4 Nd4;

The Blackburne Gambit is an alternative reply to the normal lines of 3....Bc5 and 3....Nf6 against the Giucco Piano / Italian Game. There is a good trap in this opening where black is guaranteed to go ahead if white makes the mistake of accepting the gambit. There is a 7 move checkmate possible for black which might catch out some players.
Budapest Gambit - 1. d4 Nf6; 2. c4 e5;

The Budapest Gambit is an opening you might like to try if you don't like playing against the Queen's Gambit. I particularly recommend it for players with good end games as in my experience, it tends to lead to equal end games. There is a trap in the main line of this opening where it is possible for black to get checkmate in 8 moves.
Hippopotamus Defence - 1. e4 Nh6; 2. d4 g6; 3. c4 f6;

The Hippopotamus Defence is an opening that you might like to try if you want something a bit more unusual. Black gets a strong defence very early on in the game and will launch a counter attack early on in the middle game. It might look a bit strange but I have had good success with it. A good thing about the opening is that it can be played against almost any opening that white chooses (1. e4, 1. d4, 1. c4, 1. Nf3 etc).
Incorrect Opening - 1. e4 a6; 2. d4 a5;

This is an opening that you can use to con your opponent into thinking you are an absolute beginner who hasn't got a clue what they are doing. It won't work against everyone but can be good for a laugh occasionally and to catch out your unsuspecting opponent.
Ruy Lopez - 1. e4 e5; 2. Nf3 Nc6; 3. Bb5

The Ruy Lopez is one of the most common openings in Chess. This website looks at many variations with advice for playing both the white and black side of the opening. The variations included are:- Arkhangelsk Variation, Berlin Defence, Bird's Defence, Breyer Variation, Centre Attack, Chigorin Variation, Classical/Cordel Defence, Closed Defence, Exchange Variation, Marshall Counter Gambit, Avoiding the Marshall Counter Gambit, Morphy Defence, Open Defence, Schliemann/Jaenisch Gambit, Smyslov/Zaitsev Variation, Steinitz Defence, Worrall Attack and the 9....Be6 variation.
Slav Defence - 1. d4 d5; 2. c4 c6;

The Slav Defence is a common reply to the Queen's Gambit that is popular amongst all standards of players. This website concentrates mainly on the Semi-Slav Defence but also briefly looks at a few of the other variations.
St George's Defence - 1. e4 a6;

The St George's Defence is an opening that is closely related to the French Defence. It can be strong for black if white allows black to get into the sort of position that black is aiming for early on in the game.
Unusual Openings
This is a collection of over 60 unusual openings that you might like to consider trying if you wanted to try something a bit more unusual. Many of them are not necessarily bad openings, its just you don't come across openings like the Fred Defence every day although some of them are just ridiculous. Also included are over 500 example games involving these openings.
Opening's Statistics
These are statistics compiled from over 500000 games since 1991. It shows for each opening what percentage of matches were won by white, black and were drawn. Also summarised are white's and black's best and worst 10 openings statistically and what are the most and least drawish openings. There are statistics for over 130 different openings and variations.
The Blackburne Gambit is an alternative reply to the normal lines of 3....Bc5 and 3....Nf6 against the Giucco Piano / Italian Game. There is a good trap in this opening where black is guaranteed to go ahead if white makes the mistake of accepting the gambit. There is a 7 move checkmate possible for black which might catch out some players.
Budapest Gambit - 1. d4 Nf6; 2. c4 e5;
The Budapest Gambit is an opening you might like to try if you don't like playing against the Queen's Gambit. I particularly recommend it for players with good end games as in my experience, it tends to lead to equal end games. There is a trap in the main line of this opening where it is possible for black to get checkmate in 8 moves.
Hippopotamus Defence - 1. e4 Nh6; 2. d4 g6; 3. c4 f6;
The Hippopotamus Defence is an opening that you might like to try if you want something a bit more unusual. Black gets a strong defence very early on in the game and will launch a counter attack early on in the middle game. It might look a bit strange but I have had good success with it. A good thing about the opening is that it can be played against almost any opening that white chooses (1. e4, 1. d4, 1. c4, 1. Nf3 etc).
Incorrect Opening - 1. e4 a6; 2. d4 a5;
This is an opening that you can use to con your opponent into thinking you are an absolute beginner who hasn't got a clue what they are doing. It won't work against everyone but can be good for a laugh occasionally and to catch out your unsuspecting opponent.
Ruy Lopez - 1. e4 e5; 2. Nf3 Nc6; 3. Bb5
The Ruy Lopez is one of the most common openings in Chess. This website looks at many variations with advice for playing both the white and black side of the opening. The variations included are:- Arkhangelsk Variation, Berlin Defence, Bird's Defence, Breyer Variation, Centre Attack, Chigorin Variation, Classical/Cordel Defence, Closed Defence, Exchange Variation, Marshall Counter Gambit, Avoiding the Marshall Counter Gambit, Morphy Defence, Open Defence, Schliemann/Jaenisch Gambit, Smyslov/Zaitsev Variation, Steinitz Defence, Worrall Attack and the 9....Be6 variation.
Slav Defence - 1. d4 d5; 2. c4 c6;
The Slav Defence is a common reply to the Queen's Gambit that is popular amongst all standards of players. This website concentrates mainly on the Semi-Slav Defence but also briefly looks at a few of the other variations.
St George's Defence - 1. e4 a6;
The St George's Defence is an opening that is closely related to the French Defence. It can be strong for black if white allows black to get into the sort of position that black is aiming for early on in the game.
Unusual Openings
This is a collection of over 60 unusual openings that you might like to consider trying if you wanted to try something a bit more unusual. Many of them are not necessarily bad openings, its just you don't come across openings like the Fred Defence every day although some of them are just ridiculous. Also included are over 500 example games involving these openings.
Opening's Statistics
These are statistics compiled from over 500000 games since 1991. It shows for each opening what percentage of matches were won by white, black and were drawn. Also summarised are white's and black's best and worst 10 openings statistically and what are the most and least drawish openings. There are statistics for over 130 different openings and variations.
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